Tuesday, April 5, 2011

BEDA5: Twitter Tuesday


Today has royally sucked. I had pretty much also decided that maybe I *was* too busy to do BEDA.

But then I got yelled at by one of my amazing twitter and blog followers, so here I am, day 5, doing BEDA.

Lucky for my amazing follower/friend, it's Twitter Tuesday!

Now: my plan for Twitter Tuesday was to pick a trending topic, or something that happened on Twitter and discuss it, but today I think I'll talk about Twitter in general and my love for it.

It happened in 2009 when I was updating my status WAY too much on facebook and my friends were getting really annoyed. So I signed up for twitter. It was a match made in heaven and I have never been happier.

Twitter's not just about updating your status for me, it's a way I connect to the YA world, the Potter world, and so many other worlds. It's how I "stalk" my favourite authors, businesses, and stay on top of world news - seriously. I follow news sites and get news sent to ME. It's awesome.

Fortunately for me, I have found so much more on twitter than just following authors and businesses - I found some amazing friendships. I've reconnected to people I used to know, stayed in contact with my friends from 3,500 miles away, and made livelong friendships.

I don't know who I would be without twitter. I missed twitter when I lived in England and was rarely on it. Now, I can't imagine my life without it. I really can't. It's brought me such joy and wisdom and... i don't even know what else.

Twitter, you mean the world to me and I would be lost without you.

Today is awesome because.... my friend in my fiction class was the ONLY ONE to get my story. Which rocked.
Bagels eaten this month: 6

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